Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WWTN #20 -- How I Met Nessie the Alligator

Hello all, It has taken me some time to digest my amazing experience meeting Nessie the Alligator.

Many pieces have come together in my life because of our meeting. A part of me has returned.

My heart continues to heal.

So many people have asked about this meeting of the souls.

I needed to let it simmer and brew in to an informational article that I could post, literally, for all the world to see--including you!

Please read, respond, enjoy; and thank you all so much for your overwhelming response to the pictures of me and Nessie hugging.

Monday, April 7, 2008

WWTN # 19 -- Wolf Wisdom Presents: Phone Readings!

Hello fabulous people,

I am very excited to announce the "grand opening" of a new Wolf Wisdom service:

Intuitive Shamanic Phone Readings

During such a reading, I energetically look in to any issues you would would like addressed, and give you the information and feedback I receive surrounding these issues. As issues are ready to come up and get looked at, they begin to shift and transform, lending clarity and healing to the root of the issues. New light shines on old patterns, allowing for their release.

A reading makes room for your abundance, prosperity and joy to cascade in to your energy field, filling in the gaps where the old blocks no longer exist!

Quickie Phone Reading: 30 minutes, $40

Standard Phone Reading: 60 minutes, $75

Phone Reading Deluxe: 90 minutes, $105

This information is so new, it is not even on my website as of 7:48pm tonight.
You are the first to know!

Schedule your reading with me to take advantage of these great introductory prices!

Credit Cards now accepted for all services.

Springtime blessings of rebirth and newness to you!

WWTN #18 -- Editing

Hello, welcome to issue #18 of Wolf Wisdom Transformational News!

Another aspect of what I do is editing--especially creative writing: Fiction, poetry, plays, etc.; as well as non-fiction: Articles, e-books, web copy, etc.

I realized today that I approach someone's body of writing similarly to how I approach their physical and energy bodies in my healing work. I see what is not necessary and needs to be taken away (extraction of energy blocks), and I see what is beautiful and needs to be brought out and enhanced!

Each piece of writing is sacred as it is a gift we channel through ourselves, each in our own unique and fabulous way, from spirit.

As I spent most of today reworking my editing website, all this dawned on me--healing and editing--each are an aspect of my soul's path, and are highly related.

No wonder they both make me feel so good!

Many of you are writers, or know of writers, so here I share with you the link to my refurbished editing website. Twindogs Editing:

Check it out and pass it on!
