Saturday, June 6, 2009

WWTN #26 - What Are Your Dreams?

One of my favorite things to do when a word comes up that seems rather significant within the realm of a healing session, or a new idea or project, is to type that word in to -- not because I want to find out the definition of the word, but because I want to find out the etymology of it.

The root, the original meaning of the original form of the word. What its birthplace says about its history and usage.

During a healing session a few months back a client and I were discussing dreams. Not the psychologically healing experiences one has while sleeping, but dreams in the sense that many people say: Oh well, so-and-so is what I do for a living. But my DREAM is.....

And fill in the blank there. My DREAM is: to own a fishing boat. To make jewelry for a living. To live on the ocean. To work with horses every day. And so on.

I have noted that many people feel whatever they do day-to-day is Reality. And then, the Dream is a non-achievable fantasy wish.

So I plugged the word "dream" in to When I saw the what the word originally meant, I practically fell over. Check it out:

Origin: 1200–50; ME dreem, OE drÄ“am joy, mirth, gladness.

Joy, Mirth, Gladness!

So what is it that keeps us from our dreams? They are not surreal fantasies. Our dreams are that which brings us our joy, mirth and gladness! Our dreams are our Prosperity!!

I am following mine. So far so good. Joyous!

Will you begin to follow your dreams today? Keep me posted! Let's start the Joyous Dream Brigade, together!