Hello! It has been quite some time since issue #8, when Bee and Antelope graced me with a visit--and now who has said Yoohoo, but oh, whoa, the HAWK!!
Here's how it happened.
As usual on my trek to work, I crossed the paths through and among the trees of the beautiful Northwestern University campus. I espied a woman standing in the grass looking straight up.
"Is it the falcon again?" I asked, due to the fact that every so often a Peregrine Falcon lands on a nearby evergreenand stands stock still for lengthy periods of time.
She shook her head. "No, it's a Cooper's Hawk!"
"Really!" I stood next to the woman, looking up, but saw nothing. I waited. Suddenly there was a rustle and a flapping and I saw a very LARGE bird. I had never seen a hawk up close and I was mesmerized. She flew to a different tree, and suddenly managed to blend in again and I could not see her.
Me being me, as soon as I could get to a computer, I googled Hawk, Hawk Totem, Hawk Power Animal--read all about it, loved it, was amazed by it. I felt blessed and energized by the visit.
I told a few of my coworkers I had seen a big hawk outside, and oddly enough I received reactions that were neutral at best. Didn't anybody understand? This was a beautiful, big, amazing creature."A hawk, you guys. I saw a hawk!"
"Oh, yeah," said one coworker. "You don't work in the mornings, but a few other employees have seen the hawk, and apparently it catches pigeons in mid-air, rips them to shreds and drops pigeon body parts on the ground right in front of people."
Well. Old me would have been quite grossed out by this. New me thought, Yeah, so? It's a HAWK!
So on I read until I was stopped by one paragraph, written by Jo Brothers, a Clairvoyant, Metaphysician and Spiritual Teacher in New Zealand. I quote it below:
"The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and realign with the original intention of their soul. When the hawk flies into our life we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and rip out the threads of our self-created illusions. This enables our inner truth to surface."
Wow. I read it again. "Rip out the threads of our self-created illusions." Yeah, pigeon parts on the sidewalk!
Then an inner voice said: "Jen, remember when you were making all of those totem essences? You need to make a new hawk essence, and this message from Jo Brothers is the medicine that the essence will carry."
I was surprised! In the past, when guided to make a totem essence, I'd make the essence first and then I would be told what its medicine was. This is the first time I was told what the medicine was going to be before the essence was created.
The essence has arrived. The creation of this essence was extremely focused and powerful. In the making of it, so much was released. So much opened up. After taking my first dose, I sat down and wrote a whole song. For the first time in 10 years.
Also, for the first time in a long time, I am being guided to advertise the essence. Getting past any blocks in the way of self-promotion; Here I Am.
Please share this blog with all of your friends.
Dosage: 3 drops, 3 times a day, under the tongue or in water, juice or tea.
1 oz. dropper bottle--$30.
Healing properties: "The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and realign with the original intention of their soul. When the hawk flies into our life we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and rip out the threads of our self-created illusions.
This enables our inner truth to surface."--Jo Brothers