Saturday, July 14, 2007

WWTN # 4 -- Dragonfly and the Art of Stillness

July 31, 2006

Here, Now. Why is it that so many of us find it much easier to be anywhere but here, now?

I know it is very difficult for me!

But, guess who came to lunch?

I went on my little half-hour break at the university where I have my library day job.

As I sat by the window in the student center, looking at the greenery outside and munching my Vegan Soy Burger, a creature whizzed by on the other side of the glass--yep, again with Dragonfly! I smiled as I munched.

He whizzed past again--another big dude! Then, suddenly, he landed in a bush, where I had a very clear view of him. And he stayed there!

In my experience I have seen dragonflies hover, whiz, and very briefly "alight" on something before whizzing off again. Never had I seen one actually land, let alone stay put!

As I finished up my soy burger I couldn't take my eyes off my friend. I noticed his beautiful, lacy wings, then moved on to his body. The way he'd landed in the bush, he was in an upright position. He looked like a miniature person! I could just see him hopping down from the bush and walking away like a snazzy little man, wings flopping airily along behind him.

I did not want to look away, but time was ticking, and I had to eat my avocado. I cut it in half, making two little avocado bowls, took my spoon and started munching again, glancing frequently at my still motionless friend. I sincerely half-expected him to morph in to human form, and realized this just might have been what folks in the green fields of Britain have been spotting for centuries and deeming as Pixies! And really, who's to say they're not? Certainly dragonflies hold all of the magic of faeries.

Having done justice to my avocado, it was time to head back to work. And guess what? Mr. Pixie was still solidly grounded in his bush as I started the trek back.

Well, I thought, I'll be darned. If a dragonfly, of all people, can sit still for more than 20 minutes and BE HERE NOW, then I can learn to do it, too.

The lesson begins today.

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